Accessible data, in-depth analysis, accurate decisions.

Assessing and optimizing the likelihood of achieving your business targets has never been easier. With WhAI, you increase the effectiveness of your decisions by accessing quality data, integrating contextual information with your business information, and identifying the best possible AI-generated scenario.


Simplify the way you make decisions through WhAI 's innovation

Create your targets intuitively

Save 90% of time and resources in data collection and process setup.

Identify optimal scenarios

Identifies the best scenarios for achieving your targets across a wide range of combinations of opportunities and risks.

Monitor the impact of your choices

Monitor your target achievement performance, update your choices based on results, and easily collaborate with your work team.

WhAI is designed for decisions that matter





For Decision Makers and Stakeholders

WhAI supports you in making more effective and accurate business decisions by assessing the impact of choices on your targets in real time. Identify key variables, optimize resources, and foster effective team collaboration by monitoring the path to results.





For Business Analysts and Data Analysts

WhAI speeds up the extraction of relevant information by automating analysis and simulations. Reduce errors, access reliable internal and external company data, collaborate with your team, and share clear action suggestions to support rapid and informed decision making in an ever-changing scenario.

The right questions for better choices

Use case

Enterprise financial growth

How can we identify and capitalize on emerging economic trends to increase Enterprise Value in the medium to long term?

Use case

Enterprise financial growth

How can we identify and capitalize on emerging economic trends to increase Enterprise Value in the medium to long term?

Use case

Budgeting & replanning

What alternative strategies can I adopt to achieve the same target profit while reducing the risk associated with the current economic environment?

Use case

Budgeting & replanning

What alternative strategies can I adopt to achieve the same target profit while reducing the risk associated with the current economic environment?

Use case

Sustainability Blueprint

What investments in technology can significantly reduce environmental impact without compromising operating margins?

Use case

Sustainability Blueprint

What investments in technology can significantly reduce environmental impact without compromising operating margins?

Frequently Asked Questions

Can’t you find the answer you were looking for? Contact us and our team will be happy to assist you!

Why choose WhAI for my business strategy?

WhAI allows you to map and optimise your business processes, compare them to industry standards and update them in real time. Reduce set-up time by 90 per cent by importing your data from Excel or build a map of the variables that contribute to the final KPI in just a few clicks. The product analyses thousands of scenarios for you, allowing you to choose the best one to achieve your goals. With up-to-date data and smoother collaboration, you make faster, more accurate and safer decisions, overcoming the limitations of traditional spreadsheets.

How long does it take to configure WhAI?

Less than a coffee break! Thanks to the data import from excel, there are no complex manual configurations to be made. And if your use case is already included in the template portfolio, it will be even quicker.

Can I integrate external variables into my scenarios?

Yes, WhAI includes macroeconomic and market variables updated in real time, improving the accuracy of the scenarios you create.

Is it possible to simulate customized scenarios?

Yes, you can configure variables and create scenarios tailored to your needs, even analysing very specific assumptions.

How does WhAI improve team collaboration?

With interactive dashboards that avoid confusion and allow everyone to access the same up-to-date data, improving communication between departments and stakeholders.

Which companies can benefit from WhAI?

WhAI is designed for decision makers, teams and analysts who want to improve the way they make and evaluate the impact of strategic choices. The platform supports the planning and analysis of medium- and long-term scenarios, offering concrete tools to deal with uncertainty and complexity with more informed and data-driven decisions, allowing their impact to be assessed in advance.


Choose the perfect plan to improve your strategy with WhAI

Professional services

Vedrai support

guided configuration and expert support

Data integration

customized analysis and connection for each data source


changes to dashboards and add-on modules

Who decided to choose us


Try WhAI or request a demo to discover how it can improve your strategy.